Wednesday, March 2, 2011


heres a cute lil japanese band i luv! LM.C. made up of singer Maya and basest Aji, this dou is really cute, for two thirty year old dudes!! they may look young, but dont be fooled. their songs are fun and up beat. they dress punky but have soft hearts. there really is lil kno bout these guys. but outta all the japanese bands there are id have to say if u want a band thats fun, but serious then these are your guys. the vocals are nice. Maya has a sweet voice thats great to lison to for hours on end. Aji's base is beautiful and sets the whole mood for each song. the talents they call in for drums always seem to fit in fine with the guys. they look and sound are great, but there are acts pouring outta japan i luv more. so ill have to give the guys three;

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