Wednesday, March 2, 2011

a review of a music video: Rob Zombie's Sick Bubblegum

heres a great Zombie song. i love this guy and i cant tell you just how many times of i seen this video. but i learned something recently, i dont always pay much attention to just who is in all the music videos i ingest daily. as i was watching this for the first time in about a month or so, i saw one of my fave guitarist, the one and only John5. i've loved 5 since i first heard him play on the earlier Manson tracks. i of course knew that he was working with Rob Zombie having seen him play, along with Joe Jordison of Slipknot. but to my knowledge he'd just joined before Zombie's tour with Alice Cooper. i was wrong.
in this video it starts with Rob saying, "We all know how we're gonna die, baby. We're all gonna crash and burn.". all of them dressed in a mix between metal head, teenage boys and cowboy. now the John5 im used to wears face paint and black. not some cowboy poncho. set in what looks like it could be someones basement or loge cabin, this doesnt scream Rob Zombie to began with. but then he begins to sing and we all know it has to be Rob, with his consent stream of "yeh"s and "baby"s. you add in the shots of the sexy girl blowing bubbles and the creepy dead animals and it works just fine for the song. though i would have wanted it to be just little more dark and Rob Zombie-ish. the only real problem i have is John5's outfit. other than that, its a good music video and a must see for any true Zombie fan.

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